Noor naine näitab avalikult oma rasket võitlust anoreksiaga

Triin Ärm
Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Naine saab enesekindlust, kui postitab Instagrammi pilte oma kehast ja toidust.
Naine saab enesekindlust, kui postitab Instagrammi pilte oma kehast ja toidust. Foto: Kuvatõmmis Instagrammist

21-aastane Connie Inglis jagab sotsiaalmeedias oma võitlust anoreksiaga, et inspireerida ka teisi söömisprobleemidega inimesi sellest vabanema.

Tema Instagrammi kontol my_life_without_ana on üle 35 000 jälgija, kirjutab CNN. Inglis on võidelnud söömishäirega praeguseks umbes kümme aastat. Selle aja jooksul on ta paigutatud söömishäire tõttu kolm korda ka haiglasse.

Haiglas olles ei saanud ta enda sõnul aga piisavalt vaimset tuge. Tema vaimse tervisega tegelemise asemel teda vaid toideti, et ta jõuaks tervisliku kaaluni. Viimati oli ta mullu haiglas kuus kuud.

Pärast haiglast välja saamist hakkas naine oma paranemise protsessist Instagrammi pilte lisama. See oli tema jaoks justkui toidupäevik. «Kui ma panin toidust pildi Instagrammi, siis ma pidin selle söögi ka ära sööma,» selgitas ta.

Inglis tõdes, et sotsiaalmeediast saadud tugi oli tema paranemise võtmetegur. Naine tunnistas, et kuigi ta oli üles kasvades pereliikmetega üsnagi lähedane, ei räägitud nende peres siiski sellistest asjadest ning Instagram oli tema jaoks justkui avatud kujul päevik.

Naine loodab, et sotsiaalmeedia innustab teisi toitumishäirega inimesi abi otsima. «See on üks raskemaid asju, mis nad elus on pidanud tegema,» lausus ta. Inglis nentis, et lõpuks, kui inimene saab aru, et ta ei vääri oma keha vihkamist, on see pingutus seda väärt.

A lot of people have asking me how I did it. How I recovered so fast... the truth is, I didn't. An eating disorder is deceptive and horrible. It lures you in and makes you believe that you'd be nothing without it, you wouldn't survive without it. I used to believe my ed was my best friend but all it ever wanted to do was kill me. In the picture on the left I was 13 and had already been struggling for a long time. There are 8 years between these photos and in that time I have weight restored and relapsed countless times. I have tormented myself mentally and physically. I told myself I was horrible and unworthy of happiness. I have hated my body. I have starved it, I have hurt it, I have left unmeasurable damage. THIS IS NOT MY LIFE ANYMORE!! After 10 years I finally decided I loved my family and friends more than my illness. I decided that I wasn't to blame for everything that had happened. I decided that I deserved to be happy!!! So I finally let go... If your still struggling I am with you every step of the way. If you've been going through this for lifetimes and feel useless when you see others getting better, I completely understand. If you feel like your Ed is still taking care of you, I understand but I promise there are better things out there!!! If your not taken seriously because you don't fit into the typical anorexia box, your struggles are worthy and you deserve to be helped!!! If your turned away because of you weight, skin colour or gender, FIGHT LIKE HELL!! You deserve to be heard!!! I'm not telling you this for sympathy or to diminish anyone's struggles!! Everyone's struggles are valid!! But I want you to know that it is possible!! Yes I still have bad days. I still struggle but I'm stronger now and know that I deserve to be happy! Keep going, it's going to be the hardest thing you ever do but it's so worth it! Fight like hell and I'll be fighting with you!! #positivebeatsperfect

A photo posted by Connie♥️ (@my_life_without_ana) on

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